Marco Colli

AbstractBrain Founder

I'm an entrepreneur and cloud engineer passionate about web development.

And much more…

Marco Colli


Master's degree with honors in CS — 2017

I graduated with mark 110 cum laude/110 in Computer Science at University of Insubria.

Bachelor's degree in CS — 2015

I graduated with mark 110/110 in Computer Science at University of Milan.

Bocconi University — 2010 - 2012

I studied law and economics for two years at Bocconi University (weighted average 27,64/30, 114 CFU).

High-school diploma with honors — 2010

I graduated with mark 100 cum laude/100 at Liceo Scientifico G. Spezia in Domodossola (Italy).

Online learning

Besides traditional education I've always spent a lot of time learning online. My top skill is Ruby on Rails, but that is only 1% of my skills, which vary from design to deployment, from database and system administration to network configuration.

Top 1% on StackOverflow and FOSS

I'm also one of the top contributors (top 1%) on StackOverflow, the world's largest community of developers. There are also many contributions to open source on GitHub.

Current Work

Pushpad — 2015 - now

Pushpad is a service for sending push notifications from websites and web apps. It delivers very large volumes of notifications (5M/hr) and our open source libraries are used by notable companies like 37signals, Discourse and many others.

BuonMenu — 2019 - now

BuonMenu is the digital menu for smart restaurants. You can use BuonMenu to create and publish beautiful menus online.

Cuber — 2021 - now

Cuber is a software, written in Ruby, that simplify the deployment of applications on Kubernetes. It has the simplicity of a PaaS, at a fraction of the cost. — 2024

A simple, modern solution to create your newsletter. Create a email address and share to show your posts and collect subscribers.

Past Work

LinkAnswers — 2022

LinkAnswers is a distributed Q&A for developers. Write the answers on your domain and then add a link to it. — 2018 is a way to share posters about upcoming events with your local community.

Pinxp — 2015

Four months of full time development. Code perfection, Behavior Driven Development, extraction of semantic data from Wikidata and geocoding through the open data provided by Geonames are just few notable features.

Contributions to Diaspora — 2015

I have contributed to the diaspora project with some pull requests and took part in the discussions. — 2014

Url shortening with custom redirect pages: embed images and text in your links.

It's a small project to experiment with Node.js and MongoDB.

Next Circle — 2014

A minimal game written in vanilla Javascript to experiment with HTML5 canvas and PhoneGap.

Joiiny, — 2012 - 2014

Organize events and meetings with neighbors that share your passions.

A large, multi-tenant personal project developed with Ruby On Rails. It features social interactions, a full notification system, custom solutions for geocoding, Facebook integration and allowed me to experiment with many things, such as i18n and test driven development.

Other online projects

A tutorial about deploying Rails applications with Kubernetes.

A few informative pages about birch sap and birch sap collection (in Italian).

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